Thursday, November 7, 2019

Second Great Awakening Essays

Second Great Awakening Essays Second Great Awakening Essay Second Great Awakening Essay hi chi connects the Second Great Awakening to the American Civil War. The final main reform ins paired by the Second Great Awakening was the Womens Rights movement. Womens paretic pupation in the revivals and the previously discussed reforms, eventually led to a reform Of the Eire own. During the Second Great Awakening women participation outnumbered mens two t o one. Finned and other revivalists spoke of empowerment and how one was in control of t heir own body and destiny. Women as a result were encouraged to participate in society. HTH is also the result of the social activism the Second Great Awakening caused. Both the Am Rican Temperance Society, one third to one half women, and the American Initials ere Society utilized substantial women participation. Women such as Angelina and Sarah Grime lectured men and women alike all over New England about the abolition cause in 1 837 , and when they were criticized for their gender, they responded by creating two essential word KS of feminism. These works were to explain the sisters desire for equal rights and are called Letters on the Condition of Women and the Equality of the Sexes and Letters to Catherine E. Beechen. Women became to become increasingly discontent lack of rights despite their participation in their community, encouraged by the Second Great Awakening, This movement t resulted in the Seneca Falls Convention, the first convention held concerning womens rights, in New York and set the quest for woman suffrage that lasted until 1 920 when the goal WA s accomplished. Women owe much of their success to the Second Great Awakening. On a political subject, the Second Great Awakening furthered Americas soups art Of Democracy. Since Finned repetitively and definitively established that humanity y is in control of he world and not a divine power.

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